Creative, mathematical and procedural coding
- Rust powered and web based Mandelbrot set explorer. Supports 3 rendering
modes and antialiasing. Mainly an excercise on using Rust/wasm to do
something cool.
Strange Attractors
- Rust powered and web based Clifford Attractor explorer. Has some basic
color selection. Supports paremeter interpolation. Can also use
Lyapunov Exponents to automatically
generate random cool configurations. Mainly an excercise on using Rust/wasm
to do something cool.
- Dancing room: My interpretation of the “Dancing with Friends” emergent
behavior demonstration. It uses matter.js to simulate physics.
- Dancing room zero: One of the collest pieces of emergent behaviour I ever
saw. This is a reimplementation on a post that I saw many years ago. It is
not 99%, but close enough I guess.
- Cracks: Supposed to mimic cracked glass. Doesnt work very well.
- Fracture: A set of random “fractures” that attempts to draw a painting.
Doesnt work very well.
- Flow field: Particles are free to move around in a vector field that is being
manipulated by perlin noise. This is one of the very first programs I ever
wrote with javascript.